I would like to thank the committee of the Southern Counties Canine Association for this wonderful invitation with the possibility for giving CC’s to my beloved breed. I had a lovely weekend and enjoyed my judging very much although I find some alarming changes in the breed. First the head. I have seen rather a lot down faced heads, that’s correct for a Bullterrier but not for a Deerhound. It should be level, i.e. the part from the eyes to the nose should be in the same plane as that from the eyes to the occiput. This in combination with a slightly aquiline nose, dark eyes and small rose-ears, gives the nobility to the head. The second alarming thing was the tails. By nearly one-third of the hounds I found a little kink at the end of the tail. This is a genetic disorder, not good! And as third it was hard to find the correct small, thin, well folded rose-ears. They are going to be too big!
Class: Puppy Dog. Entries 4. Absentees 0.
First and BP: Wolfcastle Draig (Mr K & Miss Z Owen & Brodie) 8 months young male of excellent type with a lovely expression, dark eyes, good pigment, correct teeth, a little big ear, the lines of muzzle and skull could be more parallel, for age very good spring of rib – depth of chest and fore chest, correct topline with sufficient arch over the loin, very good angulations, strong bone and straight legs with lovely feet, strong muscle, nice long tail, good coat, movement has to improve all around.
Second: Addicted to Love (Mrs S Williams) also 8 months young male of good type with a nice head, slightly light eye, correct teeth, ears could be a bit smaller, very nice spring of rib, sufficient fore chest and depth of chest, in front good angulation but could do with a little more behind, would like to see him a bit longer in body, correct bone and feet, coat could be a little more harsh, tail of good length, movement is already more stable than of Nr. 1.
Third: Hyndsight Ash NAF (Miss S & Mr H Finnet & Heathcote)
Class: Junior Dog. Entries 2. Absentees 0.
First: Kilbourne Harvey at Lordswell (Mr G & Mrs V Meer) 16 months young male, head could be more typical, correct eye with sufficient pigmentation, ears to big, sufficient depth of chest and fore chest, good spring of rib, correct top- and under line, in front correct angulation but could do with a little more behind, correct coat, correct long tail, feet could be little bit stronger, good movement but could do with a little more reach.
Second: Killoeter Peat at Canerikie (Mr B & Mrs J M Mansell & Duddell) very big and strong male of 16 months wich I find too Wolfhoundy, proportions in head could be better (muzzle too short), the expression is too hard due to a little light eye, good fore chest, deep and strong body, could do with a little more arch over the loin, good angulations, correct coat and tail, good movement.
Class: Post Graduate Dog. Entries 6. Absentees 1.
First: Graizelund Rock and Roll of Glenhaigh (Mr D S & Mrs S McLoughlin) nearly three years young male of correct type, good head with nice expression, good pigmentation, good teeth, ears could be more rose-shape, correct bone, would like to see the feet more compact, good depth of chest, could do with a little more spring of rib and fore chest, sufficient angulations, could do with a little harsher coat, long tail and correct movement.
Second: Hamiltonhill Fred D Mercury (Mrs C Wilson) nearly two years young male wich could do with more substance, looks a bit feminine but with a nice head and good expression, good spring of rib, depth of chest and fore chest, good topline, adequate bone, good feet, correct long tail and excellent coat.
Third: Regalflight Mithras (Mr S & Mrs C de Bolla)
Class: Limit Dog. Entries 7. Absentees 0.
First and RCC: Clanardwood Sovereign (Mr S & Mrs D Merrick) nearly five and a half years young dog of excellent type with a beautiful and correct parallel head, soft expression, lovely small rose-ears, strong neck, excellent angulations at both ends, sufficient fore chest, very good spring of rib and depth of chest, good bone, excellent feet, could do with a little more arch over the loin, correct coat, tail could be a bit longer, his movement is breathtaking, easy, active and true with a long stride and it is just because of his topline that he is not the CC winner.
Second: Packway Aconcagua (Ms R V & Mr C J Lucas & Dargonne) over five years young male of correct type, good head and expression, correct folded small ear, sufficient pigmentation, would like to see more fore chest and spring of rib, correct depth of chest, topline could be a bit stronger, correct angulations at both ends, good bone and feet, coat could be a bit harsher, nice long tail.
Third: Pyefleet Rollo (Miss M J Girling)
Class: Open Dog. Entries 1. Absentees 0.
First and CC + BOB: Ch. Gentom Peacemaker (Mr T & Mr D J Rhodes) three years and nine months young male of beautiful type with a lovely plane head, very good pigmentation, correct eye and teeth, nice folded ears, good fore chest - spring of rib and great depth of chest, breed typical top- and underline, very good angulations in front and excellent behind, correct bone and sufficient strong feet, lovely coat, tail of sufficient length, second best mover of all the Deerhounds I had today.
Class: Veteran M. Entries 6. Absentees 3.
First: Lealla is Fearr (Mrs E Shannon) beautiful bitch of nine years and four months with a beautiful head, lovely expression, good pigment, lovely small well folded ear, could do with a little more fore chest, good spring of rib and depth of chest, correct top- and underline, very good angulated in front and behind, good bone and feet, correct coat and length of tail, for age a very good movement.
Second: Sorisdale MacKechnie for Packway (Ms R V & Mr C J Lucas & Dargonne) nearly nine years old bitch with a correct head with good expression and nice ears, good fore chest, strong spring of rib and sufficient depth of chest, well angulated in front and behind, a little bit long in body but with a very good movement for age, strong bone, good coat, correct long tail.
Third: Lealla Joka (Mrs E Shannon)
Class: Puppy Bitch. Entries 9. Absentees 0.
First: Beardswood Panthera (Mrs H B & Dr S A F Helps) 11 months young puppy bitch with good but a little strong head, lovely well folded small ear, very dark pigment, expression could be a little softer, strong nape and neck, very good angulated in front and behind, very strong fore chest, good spring of rib and depth of chest, very good top- and underline, excellent strong bone and correct feet, excellent coat for age, good long tail, movement needs to stabilize.
Second: Beardswood Poesy at Calbraidh (Mr & Mrs J Faircloth) 11 months young puppy bitch of same type with a little lesser bone and could do with a little more length in body, lovely head with very good pigment and correct folded ears, excellent angulation behind, good fore chest - spring of rib and depth of chest, correct long tail and excellent coat.
Third: Pantawick Aethelwyne (Mr I & Mrs P Bunce)
Class: Junior Bitch. Entries 5. Absentees 0.
First: Killoeter Pieris at Canerikie (Mr B & Mrs J M Mansell & Duddell) strong bitch of 16 months, correct head with good eye and expression, good pigment and well folded small ear, good angulations in front and behind, sufficient topline, strong spring of rib, good fore chest and depth of chest, correct bone, good feet, very good coat, good long tail, nice supple movement.
Second: Glenmorlich Just For Fun (Mr J & Mrs P J Buswell) little bitch of nearly a year with nice head and expression, good pigment, very correct small ears, coat needs to improve, sufficient angulations in front and behind, sufficient spring of rib, good depth of chest for age, correct bone but feet needs to get stronger.
Third: Glenmorlich None So Pretty for Packway (Ms R V & Mr C J Lucas & Dargonne)
Class: Post Graduate Bitch. Entries 11. Absentees 4.
First: Trentdale Glamis of Lyndorthwin (Ms K Tresh) nearly three years young strong bitch of very nice type, correct eye, ear and teeth, good pigmentation, very well angulated in front and behind, good fore chest – spring of rib and depth of chest, correct coat, strong bone and good feet, beautiful long tail, very supple movement.
Second: Kingrock Chieftain’s Choice at Glenhaigh (Mr D S & Mrs S McLoughlin) big and strong bitch of two years with correct head, good eye, ear and teeth, nice expression and good pigment, sufficient fore chest - spring of rib and depth of chest, well angulated in front but could do with a little more length from hip to hock behind, coat could be better, good long tail, correct movement.
Third: Rosslyn Pippa of Beardswood (Mrs H B & Dr S A F Helps)
Class: Limit Bitch. Entries 7. Absentees 1.
First and RCC: Beardswood Octavia (Mrs H B & Dr S A F Helps) three and a half years young big bitch, lovely head with correct expression and well folded small ears, correct teeth, good pigment, lovely strong nape and neck, well angulated in front and behind, good fore chest, beautiful top- and underline, strong bone and good feet, very good coat, side movement superb but in coming and going fairly narrow behind.
Second: Hyndsight Who’s That Girl (Miss S & Miss N Finnet & Heathcote) strong bitch of two and a half years of correct type, good head with well folded ears, good eye, teeth and pigment, good fore chest and depth of chest, a bit strong spring of rib, good angulated in front and behind, correct bone but could do with a little more leg length, feet could be better, very nice coat, correct tail length, good movement from aside but a little close behind.
Third: Beardswood Niamh at Calbraidh (Mr & Mrs J Faircloth)
Class: Open Bitch. Entries 5. Absentees 0.
First and CC: Canerikie Cookie Crusher to Wildtor (Miss M Gomm) nearly five years young strong bitch, lovely head with typical expression and good pigmentation, nice well folded ears, correct teeth, very correct angulations, could do with a little bit more arch over the loin, good fore chest and very good spring of rib and depth of chest, strong bone and correct feet, very nice coat, lovely long tail and a superb movement.
Second: Ch. Pyefleet Rokesby (Miss M J Girling) nearly four years young strong bitch, head could be a bit more feminine, nice well folded small ears, well angulated in front, I prefer a little lower hock, sufficient arch over the loin, good fore chest - depth of chest and spring of rib, strong bone and lovely feet, very good coat, correct tail, I have seen her moving well but in the end she won’t show it anymore.
Third: Greyflax Milly Molly Mandy (Mr G & Mrs N B Baily)
C.Y. van Zanten-Boomgaard (Netherlands)